Access Control System

Access control is the central tool for controlling authorisations.

Universal system solution for the area of access control
Access control systems manage authorizations with central software, secure control units, and credential readers. Features include flexible access rights, reliable exclusion of unauthorized users, event documentation, and integration with time recording and video technology. It enhances ROI through additional applications like security and attendance management, and supports advanced options like biometric access control.

Advantages of Primion Access Control
The advantages of the access control software prime WebAccess:

  • High ergonomic effect through the use of a standard web browser
  • No software installation needed on Web client PC
  • Simplest operation through the assignment of geographical addresses
  • Browser-based Workflows for the automatic assignment of access rights
  • And many more..

Access Control Solutions

Access Control Controllers

Professional Access Control Systems

Access control – Expertise for maximum security
Access control systems with identification media and access control readers regulate to which areas and at what time employees, visitors or service providers are granted access in the company. For Primion, the security of people, values and technologies is paramount. That is why the optimally coordinated primion systems combine innovative software with functional hardware. The goal: maximum security for your company.